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    250 grams.


    Aunty Trish & Uncle Pete's beloved little Miss Molly, the Toy Poodle!


    This is the the perfect after din-din treato!


    Rolled Oats, Apples, Fresh Mint & Parsley (known to combat bad breath), Free Range Eggs, Organic Coconut Oil.


    Topped with delicious melted yoghurt drops (1/2 are half drizzled, and 1/2 are plain).


    We use fresh mint and parsley (both grown in our own herb garden) in our Mookies as they have been known to: freshen your  breath, help with urinary tract infections, provide itch relief, and contain vitamins A & C, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc and antioxidants. Let your humans know that our Mookies should be limited to only two a day.


    *yoghurt drops coloured with superfoods greens powder (no artificial gels or pastes). Please note that the yoghurt may become soft or melt in hot climates/during summer months.


    Our Mookies are super crunchy (hard) 'cause Mum first bakes then dehydrates them to remove moisture and preserve them.


    Our Mookies aren't meant to be supplements or intended to replace a balanced diet (no matter how much you love them).


    Doggies should consume mint and parsley in very small amounts so make sure your human limits your Mookies to just two a day - too much of a good thing could lead to achy tummies.


    Mum recommends that you consume your Mookies under supervision.


    We suggest that your human gradually eases you into Bo-Bannie's Pantry treatos (when moving on from other treatos) as we know some fur kids (and their tummys) don't like change. Have your human or vet check the ingredients should you have allergies or a sensitive tummy, and make sure that you have access to clean, fresh water every day.


    Your Mookies should be sealed in a cool, dry place in their original packaging or in an airtight container (for a maximum of 8 weeks). Your Mookies can also be kept in the freezer (for a maximum of 3 months) - thaw them out before consuming. 


    We hope you love your Mookies as much as we do.

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